6th Grade Band
How to sign up
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
FREquently asked Questions
Can i join band later on in middle school?
No, beginning band is only offered for 6th graders. Because our program is so big, we don't have room in our schedule to start new musicians in later grades.
what if i want to play saxophone?
Students desiring to play saxophone should elect to start on CLARINET. Saxophone is a very popular instrument, but we can only have a few saxophone players in each grade level. Saxophone is a color instrument, and you only need a dash of it! Think of it like pepper - too much is TOO hot! Because of this, students have to show initial proficiency on clarinet and participate in an audition process to be selected for saxophone. We usually plan to have auditions for saxophone around November or December.
what if i want to play Percussion?
Percussion is also a high interest instrument but, much like saxophone, we can only have a few per class. Because of this, students who desire to play percussion must start on a wind instrument and show proficiency on their beginning instrument. There will be training sessions and an audition process for students to be selected to play percussion. We try to complete these auditions around November or December.
What if i want to play tuba, baritone, or french horn?
These are all considered color instruments in the brass family, so students who wish to play these instruments should start on trumpet or trombone. It is much easier to learn the basics on the two beginning instruments then transfer those skills to the more complex color instruments.
what if i want to play bass clarinet, bassoon, or oboe?
These instruments are also considered "color instruments" but in the woodwind family. You should begin playing flute or clarinet and then there will be an opportunity to switch (possibly selected by an audition process) to these other instruments. Sometimes we don't have these instruments in your grade at all, and that's okay!
What does band scheduling look like, in terms of school schedule?
Students are required to take band for a full academic year - all of 6th grade. This is for two reasons. One, band is paired with PE so that students can fulfill both requirements throughout the course of the year. Two, band is a TOTALLY NEW skill for 6th graders. It takes some time to become successful and we want for you to give it enough time to see the success! Just like learning or getting better at a sport, you have to practice OFTEN to get better!
What does band scheduling look like, in terms of after school commitments?
Band rarely requires after school commitments, especially in 6th grade. We only have two concerts throughout the year! (Winter Concert in December, Spring Concert in May.) With that said, concerts are the culmination and celebration of student's hard work so it is expected that students attend!
How do I get an instrument?
Porter Ridge Middle school does not provide any beginning instruments for student use. We recommend using Music & Arts to secure an instrument for your student. They offer instrument rentals, rental insurance, and only use quality trusted instruments. Much of what you find on eBay, Amazon, or pawn shops are not quality instruments and most likely can not be repaired when broken.
What if i don't remember how to read music/ much from elementary music?
That's okay! We will start from the very beginning for you in 6th grade! There are no prerequisites for our course!
Please do not hesitate to direct any additional questions to Mr.Dowell. [email protected]
Matthew Dowell -
Band Director [email protected]
Porter Ridge Middle School 2827 Ridge Road Indian Trail, NC 28079 704-225-7555 fax 704-226-9844 |
Abigail McAninch -
Band Director
Band Director
Porter Ridge Middle School
2827 Ridge Road
Indian Trail, NC 28079
fax 704-226-9844
Porter Ridge Middle School
2827 Ridge Road
Indian Trail, NC 28079
fax 704-226-9844
Brett Farris -
Band Director [email protected]
Porter Ridge High School 2839 Ridge Road Indian Trail, NC 28079 704-292-7662 fax 704-296-9733 |